Saturday, August 13, 2011

Psychologist is Crazier than Mom

Still hard to keep up with this blog. This past Wednesday I went with mom and my sister to the psychologist for the follow up visit to get her "test" results. This was from a series of memory and cognitive tests she had about a month ago following her meltdown at the restaurant with my sister.

Mom kept telling me how much she liked this doctor. She told me about four times on the way there. We'd soon find out.

Once in the office, she kept asking mom about her earlier comments on being sad or sorta depressed. Must have asked a dozen times, to the point where it was annoying. Did she want to say she's depressed? Just another chance for more drugs. But in the end, mom isn't depressed and said she's pretty happy right now. So good, we're done with the damn depression exam.

Dr said she did good on verbal testing but not so good on short term memory stuff. I couldn't help but think that I can't remember what I did yesterday, so what!

The blow up at the restaurant was puzzling to the dr. Really didn't have an explanation as to why it happened but thought it might be vascular in nature. Mom had a CT scan done, but this bozo doc didn't have the results in her file and failed to look it up on the system. This really pissed me off. The scan was done in the same hospital this dr works at. All she had to do was call up the patient and the records would be right there. She even asked if we had the results! WTF! And we're going to have to pay for this incompetence? So it could have been a mini-stroke, with no symptoms, but it would have shown up on the CT scan. Even more disturbing that she didn't investigate this stuff.

In the end she didn't think she had Alzheimer's. What? Two other drs said she did. All I know is her memory is bad, but seems to have stabilized for now. In my opinion, this psycho/shrink doctor is just as crazy as my mom.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Early Arrival

My daughter was involved in her school concert this past weekend. My mom was going to come to hear her sing. Over the course of the last week, she asked me, and I told her about three or four times that is was Sunday and to show up at my house around 3pm. She called on Saturday morning to confirm, again, what time she was supposed to come over.

The weather was pretty nice for March 20th, so I went for a walk in the early afternoon. When I was coming up the street I noticed my mom's car in the driveway. What was she I quickly surmised she got her days wrong and was here on Saturday instead of Sunday. When I came in the house she was very apologetic, saying she could leave and calling herself stupid over and over.

Of course she stayed. In fact, for some reason she brought a suitcase for an overnight stay. The plan was to go to the concert and then go home before it got too dark (she doesn't like driving after dark). It all worked out, all of us went out for a nice Italian dinner and came home for some NCAA March Madness. At least I enjoyed that part!

On Sunday, I cooked up some French Toast and then her and I decided she should try her hand at oil painting. Not bad for a first time artist. She was able to stay focused through the whole one hour event, and it felt good for me to see her do this. After we got done, I paused and got a bit choked up thinking that there won't be many more times I will be able to share a moment like that.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Super Bowl Memories

The great news is the Packers won! Even greater news is mom watched and remembered the game. I was doing my own thing with friends, but I called her the next day and she said she watched the whole game and commented on certain things that happened. Gotta know, my mom doesn't like any sports...except figure skating during the Olympics.